Learn more about what I can do for you.

What is MagnaWave?

Magnawave is a high-powered pulsed electromagnetic machine (PEMF) that produces a field of influence through attachments of various sizes and shapes that help achieve increased circulation, inflammation reduction, and improved oxygenation of all tissues. This helps with the reduction of pain, discomfort, and allergies in a drug free way.

The magnawave is designed to provide support for the body's natural functions through emission of pulsed energy calibrated to our body's natural energetic frequencies. The body is able to utilize this energy towards improving general wellbeing and vitality. It essentially provides a cellular massage that is so powerful it actually influences individual cell walls to become more permeable allowing cells to excrete toxins in an exchange for oxygen at a faster rate. Accelerating this cycle assists the body in its natural detox process and makes it more efficient at absorbing and metabolizing supplements/medications potentially increasing the impact they can have.


This high powered PEMF device works faster and has a greater field of depth, reaching up to 16 inches of penetration, than its lower powered counter parts  -decreasing the amount of time needed to be effective. The electromagnetic plus travels easily through skin, muscle, bone, and other tissues and indicates what areas of the body need more attention than others. This indication is visible during a session through muscle twitching and movement.

The reason this excess movement is an indication that more attention is needed is because the reverberation of the pulse being put into the body is being changed by a resistance factor that is present, like inflammation. If this resistance factor was not there the pulsed waves would travel more evenly throughout the body and as a result you would see little to no movement.

Overall, the magnawave is an incredibly diverse tool that is designed to be as effective as possible in supporting your body through its daily needs. It helps in the prevention of further damage and speeds up recovery from the natural wear and tear life has on the body.

After a Session You May Experience...

  • The need for more fluids
  • The accelerated detox process can make the subject feel lethargic if there is not enough water to flush the excreted cell wasted from the body
  • More bowl movement, including urination
  • To assist in the flushing process
  • larger appetite
  • This is caused by quicker metabolization
  • Vomiting (in dogs)
  • Not very common but still a normal side effect
  • Extra sleep
  • Can be a result of reduced pain and the feeling of complete relaxation or a lethargic response (symptom of not enough water)
  • Extra energy

You May Not Receive a Session If...

  • Active Bleeding
  • Blood clots / Deep Vein Thrombosis 
  • Battery Operated implanted device
  • Pacemaker
  • Defibrillator
  • Cochlear Implant
  • PEMF can drain the battery on these devices and in extreme cases mess with internal wiring
  • Anything that cannot go through an MRI Machine 
  • If you cannot remove or recharge the battery, then do not have sessions
  • Pregnancy
  • Not enough research for or against
  • Organ Transplant
  • PEMF has been shown to stimulate the immune system. If someone has received an organ transplant, they are most likely put on immunosuppressants for the body to accept the organ.
  • Or any reason the immune system would need to stay suppressed

  • External Metal Fixator or

Metal Screws

  • You can use PEMF over internal hardware, but we recommend speaking with physician or veterinarian when using around external metal.
  • Some Stents
  • Check with Physician or manufacturer to make sure they are compliant.
  • If it is not able to go through an MRI Machine it is NOT compliant.

Common Questions about Magnawave?

  • Does it hurt?
  • No, it should not hurt. In most cases it feels good and is relaxing. It can feel intense on higher settings but if that is uncomfortable it can easily be lowered for you.
  • Do I have to talk to a doctor/vet before receiving a session?
  • Not usually. However, if you have Cancer, Autoimmune Diseases, Extreme Blood Pressure Issues, Hyperthyroidism, Specialized Medications or are concerned about how it might interact with internal equipment, like stents, then yes you will need to speak with a doctor/vet before proceeding.  
  • If it is safe to go through an MRI it won't interfere with your ability to have a session. If you are not sure talk with your doctor/vet.
  • Do I have to do anything before a session?
  • Drink lots of water
  • Remove keys, phone, or other electronic devices including anything with chip or magnetic technology   
  • Will it be time consuming?
  • Not necessarily, effective sessions can be as short as 5 minutes to as long as an hour twenty minutes depending on the subject and goal. The average sessions are between 15 to 45 mins.
  • Will I need time to recover after a session?
  • Most people do not though if it is your first time it would be better to do on a day you can rest if possible.

Magnawave Can Help With...

  • Improving Blood Circulation
  • Improving Oxygenation of Blood
  • Reducing Inflammation
  • Accelerated Healing
  • Pain Management/Reduction
  • Muscle Recovery
  • Bone Healing
  • Post-surgical Recovery
  • Chronic Joint Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Acute Joint Issues
  • Chronic Muscle Pain
  • Acute Muscle pain
  • Muscle Fatigue
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Gut Issues
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • TMJ
  • Tention Headaches
  • General Soreness
  • Allergies
  • Athletic recovery needs
  • General wellness

And More!

If you have questions about if this is right for you please contact me!

ROC Red Light Treatment Benefits


Improves Cell Activity


Causes Tissue Regeneration


Enhanced Pain Reduction


Mobilizes Scar Tissue


Addresses Chronic

& Acute Conditions/Injuries

What is ROC?

ROC is an LED device that emits wavelengths of red and near infrared light designed to feed to mitochondria. In turn this stimulates the production of ATP, a cellular form of energy. When this happens there is a secondary beneficial reaction that travels up to 9 inches further than the original 2 inches the light can penetrate. This is important because it allows this non-invasive therapy a greater and more effective range, truly enabling it to kick start the bodies regenerative properties and healing capabilities reducing inflammation, improving strength, speeding up recovery, inhibiting pain and delaying fatigue. This machine was carefully developed to emit lower levels of heat which is one of the main factors that allow it to travel deeper than other hotter LED and Lazer devises whose impacts are more superficial as a direct result of their higher heat emissions. It does, however, still generate enough heat to help open up surrounding capillaries and encourage circulation. Creating a scenario where you get to enjoy the best of both worlds.

So excited to get to work with You! Your one step closer to discovering what the ROC can do for you!

After a Session You May Experience...

  • Temporary increased soreness
  • Can cause flare ups (rarely)
  • Warmth and Tingling (this may be felt during a session as well)
  • In the case of overdose:
  • Mild overdose can be beneficial for reducing harmful hypomobility by increasing thickening of connective tissues
  • A very high overdose will cause Internal Tissue Scarring and can burn the skin (This is not a likely outcome by any measure)

*You may not experience any of these

You May not Receive a Session if...

  • Pregnancy
  • Cancer
  • Photosensitivity Reactions
  • Epilepsy or seizures
  • Organ transplant or immunosuppressive therapy
  • Over the top of staples or sutures from recent surgery or procedure
  • Known blood clot or diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Antibiotics or light sensitive medications (ex: Tetracycline)
  • Over the top of a bacterial infection

Common Questions about ROC

  • Do I have to talk to a doctor/vet about Red Light?

    Not usually, however if you have cancer, senstive skin, bactieral issuses, or are not sure talk with your doctor or vet about it first. 

  • Do I have to do anything before a session?

    Please make sure you have not applied any oil or lotion before a session and if you have please try to remove any and all products from your skin. 

  • Can it be done over clothes?

    Unfortunatey, no. Unlike the magnawave it does need direct skin contact or as close as it can get to be as effective as possible.

  • Does it hurt?

    No it should not hurt and if it does say something immediately. 

  • Will it be time consuming?

    These sessions are pretty quick and only take 1 to 4 mintues per area depending on how large of a section it is. However, they can be done back to back for faster results. Example: ROC 1 min, Magnawave 15 mins, ROC 1 min

    Faster ROC sessions promote more healing while long ones are more effective at pain blockage. A longer session is also wonderful for addressing hypermoblitiy issuses. 

  • Will I need time to recover after a session?

    Most likely not but it is always good to schedule your first few sessions when you have time to relax to make sure you are not prone to flare ups  when receiving ROC.

  • What results could I see after a session?

    1. Less tenderness or pain

    2. Less muscle tension

    3. Decreased trigger point size

    4. Decreased edema and redness

    5. Enhanced functional recovery

ROC Can Help With...

  • Improves Fitness By
  • Strengthening muscle skeletal frameworks and other tissues
  • Decreases muscle soreness
  • Increasing performance capabilities by delaying fatigue and generating energy
  • Decreases levels of blood lactate

  • Pain (Syndromes & Conditions it Helps Below)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Myofascial
  • Sciatica
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Herniated Disc
  • Etc.
  • Inflammation (Ex. Below)
  • Capsulitis
  • Fasciitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Post Surgical Recovery
  • Restores ligament and muscle function
  • Stimulates collagen and fibrin formation
  • Improves skin circulation & oxygen supply
  • Improved cell function
  • Cell proliferation, division, maturation, etc.

  • Other Benefits
  • TMJ
  • Headache
  • Concussions
  • Whiplash
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Muscle injuries, tears, Trigger points, etc.
  • Sprain/strain injuries
  • Ex: Shin splints
  • Neurological Problems
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Skin fungal & bacterial problems
  • Peripheral Impingement
  • Ganglion Cysts
  • Trigger Finger
  • Dupuytren's contracture

  • And More!

*There is significant overlap in the benefits the Magnawave and ROC Red light are able to provide, and as such they are designed to be combined for the best result.

Grooming Portfolio

Sanitary, Face, Paw & Nail Trims Available!

Full Serivce Grooms not AVAILABLE At ThIS Time

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I absolutely love helping pets feel their best and maintances trims for the sanitary, face and paw areas can go a long way in helping them stay happy and healthy between full grooms. Plus, it's always a good day to get those nails filed down!

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    So Clean!

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I am so excited to get to work with you. Helping people feel heard and successfully manage their pain/stress is my passion. I have been doing work of this nature, in various forms, for most of my working career and its finally time to pursue it full time.  I cannot wait to share this journey with you. I am so excited to figure out exactly how to help each of you on your journey and see exactly how far this can go. Truely, I am honored that you would consider sharing a part of your journey with me and I so look forward to hearing from you soon.


Jess Flores

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